Here are some photos of students washing dishes, washing hands, and filling up cups & jugs of the surprisingly clean rain water that has been captured in their new tank!

I'm Kellee and I work with a school for Sudanese refugees in Nairobi, Kenya. Join me as I chronicle the journey of a lifetime through photos, videos, stories, and updates from the ground!***************************
Kellee,truly you deserve a praise for your great work and i would like to suggest this; if may be you have a plantation near,...(if none exsist, you can advise the students to cultivate for stuffs like kale,tomatoes,onions and e.t.c. and this will help them in there lesons as well)... make a drainage where by the waste water can go directily to the plants and this will save money for the cost of food stuffs.
It is so nice to see the water system in place! I remember when I was there last how dusty the place was and how water was a rare commodity for the students. Now drinking water is abound for all.
I guess the only thing to consider now is the possibility of the accumulation of stagnant water and the mosquitoes that follow.
Can't wait to go back and visit Sud!
I will soon have a video portrait of one of the Sud Academy students on my blog. there are already two video portraits of other Southern Sudanese and a Sud student will be added soon.
Oh, and write soon about your trip to Sudan.
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