Feb 25, 2009

Check out my links bar!


In case you haven't already looked, there is a box on the left side of the page with some links to articles about Sud Academy, CASS, and some interesting articles related to Sudan.... I just added one about the sexy Mr. Clooney meeting with the sexy Mr. Obama... if only we were all celebrities, maybe there would be more peace on our Earth. For now, we'll settle for Angelina and George.

1 comment:

susan said...

Great idea for further reading Kellee. Interesting that Mr. Clooney assumes that the rest of the world knows or even cares that these people are "hanging on by the skin of their teeth." I think people on other continents need to know exactly what the situation is like from people like you, firsthand, not blown out of proportion by media who have their own political agenda. That results in a personal connection, which gives birth to efforts at home(your effort for the Form 4 Boys) that can be implemented first hand by volunteers on the ground like you. I think the way you are going about it is perfect. Maybe you should try for an audience with President Obama!